Children's eBooks
epub |eng | 2015-10-15 | Author:Marcella Fisher Anderson [Anderson, Marcella Fisher; Weiss Vollstadt, Elizabeth]

Did you know … that Baron von Steuben was recommended to George Washington by Benjamin Franklin, who was in France in 1777? Historians doubt that von Steuben was really a ...
( Category: Children's eBooks October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2014-10-29 | Author:Fran Manushkin

Glossary Australia (ah-STRAYL-yuh)—a continent southeast of Asia; it is the smallest continent eraser (ee-RAY-sur)—something used to rub off pencil or pen marks island (EYE-luhnd)—a piece of land surrounded by water ...
( Category: Asian & Asian American October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2017-06-29 | Author:Who HQ [Who HQ]

A Day in the Life The press secretary must be up early reading everything possible in print and online. He or she is also given information from other members of ...
( Category: U. S. Presidents & First Ladies October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2020-06-05 | Author:Shayna Krishnasamy

TEN For as long as I could remember I’d been concerned with recording, in my mind at least, the before and after of things. My mother had often remarked about ...
( Category: Scary Stories October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | | Author:Troy Nesbit

13 In the Logging Camp “If Maynard thinks he can keep me from getting a perlite specimen he’s crazy,” Art told Joe that evening when he reported to him everything ...
( Category: Westerns October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2001-10-15 | Author:Cynthia Furlong Reynolds

P The glorious, spicy scent of our state flower, the peony, fills the springtime air here in Indiana. Victorians called these spring blooms the flower of “bashfulness,” but they aren’t ...
( Category: State & Local October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2015-10-15 | Author:Monica Gunning [Gunning, Monica]

My First Symphony Concert Under summer stars, the symphony orchestra performs an evening of Beethoven. The music surrounds me, a sea of haunting melodies. The violins, cellos, and piano spill ...
( Category: United States October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2020-06-06 | Author:Nicole Sobon

Chapter Seven I followed behind Ellie as we maneuvered through the dark streets, doing our best to blend in. Her all-black outfit had successfully achieved this; my burnt orange jacket, ...
( Category: Children's eBooks October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | | Author:Bethany June Hebert

February 4th, ‘05 I have one question. Why are girls so loud? It’s hideous. I have dreams at night of being released. After Daphne leaves, I’ll probably only have 4 ...
( Category: Girls & Women October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2017-10-15 | Author:Cheryl Mullenbach

Survivors were wrapped in blankets. ©Imperial War Museums (HU 51010) Everyone in Florence’s boat made it safely onto the Escort. “Oh, it was wonderful. They were so good to us,” ...
( Category: Boats & Ships October 8,2022 )
epub |deu | | Author:Marianne Kaurin [Kaurin, Marianne]

We take a break on the couch and sip soda. “I wonder if Anton Berntzen is still alive,” I say, and see that Wilmer still hasn’t taken off the ring. ...
( Category: Children's eBooks October 8,2022 )
epub |eng | 2020-04-22 | Author:Alphabet Publishing

What about the roof? WAIT! ALL WE HAVE IS a boring flat roof! What are some ways to make beautiful rooves? Castle Roof WHENEVER I BUILD A house out of ...
( Category: Reference October 7,2022 )
epub |eng | 2020-10-27 | Author:Selenia Paz [Paz, Selenia]

Sixteen M iguel had been looking through his backpack and wondering if he had even thought to add matches to his supplies when Death tapped his scythe gently on the ...
( Category: Children's eBooks October 7,2022 )
epub |eng | | Author:Lisa Williams Kline

* * * As soon as class is over, I run blindly back to the dorm by myself, practically tripping over my flipflops. What a dork and a fool I ...
( Category: Girls & Women October 7,2022 )
epub |eng | | Author:Rebecca D. Bruner

CHAPTER 18 Jaeger lay in wait outside his boss’s office. The polished metal door slid open, and a young man in a black suit stepped out. Jaeger pounced on his ...
( Category: Children's eBooks October 7,2022 )